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Some of Our Projects

Outstanding Results

UP! Outside has experience working on many different types of projects. Below are some examples of projects we have been involved with.

Border to Border Touring Route

This project is in partnership with Ultimate Trail Consulting and the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, partnering with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota 4-Wheel Drive Association. The project entails creating a route across the upper third of Minnesota which extends from Lake Superior to North Dakota. Work included holding 2 sets of listening sessions to gather input, determine potential and final route, create a set of maps, convey information to local units of government, gather and analyze feedback, submit final route and reports.


Flood Run

The Flood Run is a street bike charity run which started in 1965. The Polaris Foundation purchased the trademark for the run and took over the event. The goal was to keep the run as similar as possible to previous runs without any documentation from previous events, hold a charitable event to raise money and awareness of a Gillette Children's Specialty Care hospital, and to document the project for future events.


US Forest Service OSV Implementation Guide

The US Forest Service contracted with Great Outdoors Consultants (GOC) to create an implementation guide for over-snow vehicles (OSV). UP! Outside is working with GOC to create the entire guide, content, case studies, photos, illustrations, editing, layout, etc.


Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails Commission

The Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails Commission is tasked with creating and funding regionally significant parks and trails in the 80 counties with make up greater Minnesota. Each of their 6 districts need general operational assistance. UP! Outside provides this assistance to District 1, the northeast district.

UP! Outside has also been contracted to map existing and planned mountain biking facilities in the norther tier of Minnesota.


State of Massachusetts

The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs has commissioned UP! Outside to help form off-highway vehicle clubs and assist them in becoming successful. This project consists of several educational presentations regarding forming clubs such as non-profit and tax exempt information, as well as mentoring assistance for the clubs which will form.


Boy Scouts ATV Training

Working with the Polaris Foundation, UP! Outside has been commissioned to create and implement ATV safety programs for the Boy Scouts of America National and World Jamborees. These programs range from bringing in ATV Safety Institute’s (ASI) trainers for the National Jamboree to using the latest technology to provide a rider experience during the World Jamboree.


Tread Lightly!

Representing Tread Lightly! at numerous events in the Midwest. Setting up and manning booths and sharing the Tread Lightly! outdoor ethics with the public.


State of Minnesota OHM Master Plan

Up! Outside in conjunction with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and District 23/Amateur Riders Motorcycle Association (ARMCA), is creating a master plan for the use of off-highway motorcycles (OHM) across the State of Minnesota. The master plan will be used to gauge current use and trends, the desires of the riders, current and proposed opportunities, and as a strategic tool to guide the department’s future management of the recreation.

Projects: Projects
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